AokLok Info
01. How can I get AokLok® Chip?
Our chip was inserted to every single products on our website. Once you made a purchase, you can expect that every items have your personalized chip inserted.
02. How can I get AokLok® Chip?
Simply bring your phone close to the cloth, and you will be bring to your personalized digital life page.
03. What is AokLok® Chip?
Our vision is to deepen the way you interact with the pieces you own. We developed 3 main functions:
1.Digital Life - Life Simulation game (XP & Level system for every pieces you own)
2.Personal profile - share all your info by simply ask your friends to tap your cloth
3.Lost & Track - Higher chance to find your pieces back by using the chip tracking system
More functions in development...
04. Tell me more about the level system.
· Each account can only "Blessing" one time per day. · One "Blessing" will give your digital clothing 1-20 XP, when you reached 100 XP, your clothing will level up. · Each level up will enhance the visual effects of your digital clothing (special effects and real changes) · The maximum level is 10. We used virtual reality and modeling technology to create amazing digital collections, bless your cloth everyday to unlock the surprise!
05. Is the chip waterproof?
Yes, AokLok® Chip is 100% waterproofed, we tested 300 times machine wash and the chip still function well.